Stenographer Reference for DMF Recorder Node

This appendix provides information about composing Stenographer queries and submitting them through REST API.

Stenographer Query Syntax

The DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) Recorder Node accepts Stenographer queries using a syntax based on the Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF) syntax. When entering a malformed BPF string, the recorder node will respond with an error. The entire BPF grammar is not supported, but query strings can be composed using the predicates in the following table.

Table 1. Table 1: Supported Stenographer BPF Query Strings
BPF Predicate Value Description
before value time string before the specified time
before value m ago duration before value minutes ago
before value h ago duration before value hours ago
before value d ago duration before value days ago
before value w ago duration before value weeks ago
after value time string after the specified time
after value m ago duration after value minutes ago
after value h ago duration after value hours ago
vlan value VLAN ID match the specified VLAN tag (outer, inner, or inner inner)
outer vlan value VLAN ID match the specified outer VLAN tag
inner vlan value VLAN ID match the specified inner VLAN tag (or middle tag of triple-tagged packets)
inner vlan value VLAN ID match the specified innermost VLAN tag of triple-tagged packets
src mac value MAC address match the specified MAC address in typical colon-delimited form (e.g. 11:22:33:44:55)
dst mac value MAC address match the specified MAC address in typical colon-delimited form (e.g. 11:22:33:44:55)
mpls value MPLS label match the specified MPLS label
src host value IPv4/v6 address match the specified source address exactly
dst host value IPv4/v6 address match the specified destination address exactly
src net value IPv4/v6 address match the specified source address with an optional CIDR mask. All octets of address must be specified, e.g. good →, bad → 1.2.3/24
src net value mask value IPv4/v6 address match the specified source address with masked with the specified address
dst net value IPv4/v6 address match the specified destination address with an optional CIDR mask. All octets of address must be specified, e.g. good →, bad → 1.2.3/24
dst net value mask value IPv4/v6 address match the specified destination address with masked with the specified address
ip proto value protocol number match the specified IP protocol number
icmp   match ICMP packets (shortcut for “ip proto 1”)
tcp   match TCP packets (shortcut for “ip proto 6”)
udp   match UDP packets (shortcut for “ip proto 17”)
src port value transport port number match the specified transport port number
dst port value transport port number match the specified transport port number
cid value Community ID match the provided community ID in standard version:base-64 encoded form (e.g. 1:hO+sN4H+MG5MY/8hIrXPqc4ZQz0=)
policy value DMF policy name match the forwarding VLAN(s) of the specified DMF policy. Only supported through the DMF Controller. Not supported when using a Recorder Node REST API directly.
filter-interface value DMF filter interface name match the forwarding VLAN of the specified filter interface. Only supported through the DMF Controller. Not supported when using a Recorder Node REST API directly.
event value Recorder Node event name match the time range of the specified event. Only supported through the DMF Controller. Not sup- ported when using a Recorder Node REST API directly.
and   logical “and”
&&   logical “and”
or   logical “or”
||   logical “or”
(   begin grouping
)   end grouping

Example Stenographer Queries

Note:Arista Networks recommends always using a specific time range in each query.

After two hours ago but before one hour ago, search for all packets to or from Google DNS (

(after 2h ago and before 1h ago) and (src host or dst host
In the last twenty-four hours, search for all SSH (TCP port 22) packets destined for IP
Note: This will not match any SSH packets from
after 24h ago and dst host and tcp and src port 22

Within the last five minutes, search for all packets to or from And, in the five minutes before that, search for all packets to or from

(after 5m ago and (src host or dst host or (after 10m ago and before 5m ago
and (src host or dst host

Within the timespan of event abc and within the last hour, search for all SSH (TCP port 22) packets destined for IP

(event abc or after 1h ago) and dst host and tcp and dst port 22

Within the timespan defined by the intersection of events abc and def, search for all packets sent from any IP in subnet seen on filter interface xyz.

(event abc and event def) and filter-interface xyz and src net
.. note::
To use the filter-interface predicate, the DMF Controller must be in the push-per-filter Auto
VLAN mode.

Within the last five minutes, search for all packets sent from IP to the DANZ Monitoring Fabric (DMF) Recorder Node using DMF policy abc.

after 5m ago and policy abc and src host
.. note::
To use the policy predicate the DMF Controller must be in the push-per-policy or push-per-
filter Auto VLAN mode. When in push-per-policy auto-vlan-mode, the policy's forwarding tag will
be queried. When in push-per-filter mode, the forwarding tags of the filter interfaces used in
the policy are queried.

Within the last five minutes, search for all packets with any VLAN tag 100.

after 5m ago and vlan 100

Within the last five minutes, search for all packets with an outer VLAN tag 100.

after 5m ago and outer vlan 100

Within the last five minutes, search for all packets with an inner (or middle) VLAN tag 100.

after 5m ago and inner vlan 100

Within the last five minutes, search for all triple-tagged packets with innermost VLAN tag 100.

after 5m ago and inner inner vlan 100

Within the last five minutes, search for packets belonging to a flow with community ID of 1:hO+sN4H+MG5MY/8hIrXPqc4ZQz0=.

after 5m ago and cid 1:hO+sN4H+MG5MY/8hIrXPqc4ZQz0=

This matches packets in each direction of the flow, if applicable.

Within the last five minutes, search for all L2 broadcast packets originating from MAC address 11:22:33:44:55:66.

after 5m ago and src mac 11:22:33:44:55:66 and dst mac ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff